Effective Medium Transformation: The Case of Eddy Currents in Laminated Iron Cores

Effective medium theory replaces a given fine-scale heterostructure with a homogeneous one in such a way that the physically measurable quantities, e.g., reaction fields and losses, remain approximately the same. This article presents a peculiar case where the physical nature of the problem and the type of governing mathematical equations change upon homogenization. We consider […]

An Equilibrated Error Estimator for the Multiscale Finite Element Method of a 2-D Eddy Current Problem

The multiscale finite element method (MSFEM) is a valuable tool to solve the eddy current problem in laminated materials consisting of many iron sheets, which would be prohibitively expensive to resolve in a finite element mesh. It allows using a coarse mesh that does not resolve each sheet and constructs the local fields using predefined […]